Integrated Foreign Language Group



The Integrated Foreign Language Group consists of 15 full-time teachers, including 4 associate professors and 11 lecturers, all with a master degree or PhD. The teaching group primarily undertakes courses of 4 categories related to the Sino-Australian programme, featured programmes, postgraduates and second foreign languages.  

Teaching Group of Sino-Australian Programme

Teaching Group of Sino-Australian Programme, with seven members, provides courses of IELTS and ELB (English Language Bridging), includingAdvanced English, Communicative English, Intercultural communication English, Academic English and Research Skills, aiming at improving students’ listening, speaking, reading, writing and translating skills through special language training, with a special focus on the cultivation of students’critical thinking ability and their capability of presenting English academic articles and reports. More importantly, the group intends to acquaint students with Australian culture, and teaching and learning modes in universities, and prepares students for a successful orientation to their majors and related academic communication in Curtin University.  

Teaching Group of English for Graduates

Teaching Group of English for Graduates is responsible for offering English courses for postgraduates in our university, which entails fundamental language training, practice of learning strategies and cultivation of international academic communication abilities. This group attaches importance to broadening graduate students’ international horizons and improving their innovative thinking and cooperation capacities, to lay a sound foundation for their future professional development and international academic research.  

Teaching Group of Second Foreign Languages

Teaching Group of Second Foreign Languages undertakes second foreign language teaching for English majors and offers optional courses, namely Japanese, French and German for all the other majors. Since second foreign languages play an important part for English majors, the group intends to not only focus on basic language skills, but also paves the way for their further study. Meanwhile, optional courses of second foreign languages are open to all the other majors, with the purpose to provide an introduction of foreign language and related culture. 

Teaching Group of Featured Programmes

To meet the needs for students’ development, tailored English courses are offered for students of featured programmes, such as the Innovative Talents Class in the Institute of Economics and Finance and Ruihua College, with the aims to develop students’ English proficiency to be qualified for both working and studying in international settings. The courses offered include Intensive English Reading, English Writing, and English Speaking.