Li Jin


Li Jin, Lecturer

M.A. Translation & Interpreting, the University of Manchester

B.A. English Literature, Chongqing University

Courses presented:

Interpreting Course

College English Course

English Speaking Course

Ielts Listening and Speaking Course


Author of articles on CSSCI journals including: Hundred Schools in Arts, Jiangsu higher Education, Southeast Academic Research and on other academic journals including: Modern Science Education, Heilongjiang Education, Foreign Language and Literature and so on.

Leading researcher of one project sponsored by the Philosophy and Social Science Fund of the Education Department of Jiangsu Province.

Participant of two projects sponsored by the Education Reform Fund of the Education Department of Jiangsu Province.

Leading researcher of four projects sponsored by the Education Reform Fund of the Nanjing Audit University.


Second Grade Award, 6th Teaching Competition of Nanjing Audit University

Excellent Teaching Award, Nanjing Audit University

Excellent in Annual Assessment, Nanjing Audit University
